Saturday, 2 October 2010

First Week

So far my first week has gone by very fast.  The first night here I didn't have any bedding, but luckily now my bed is plush, comfortable and so cute (even though it seems to be impossible to buy a feather mattress pad in the UK).  I am learning how to cook which is something I thought was near impossible, but with the help of a classmate and my mom telling me how to turn on the stove, I am doing quite well for myself.  The weather has been surprisingly nice!  Only one day of rain and it's warm enough that I don't even need to wear a coat.  I have joined a number of society's since I have been here and have joined each society on their pub crawl which have been really fun.  Today, the Kenyon-Exeter group went to Tintagel Castle (the birth place of King Arthur), which is only an hour and a half away from Exeter.  It was so beautiful there, but we literally had to climb a mountain to get to the top (and I was wearing heavy boots!)  However, the castle was overlooking the ocean and once I got to the top it was nice and relaxing.  But the climb down is another story and let's just say I wouldn't do well in the olden days...I chipped a nail at one point and wasn't too happy about it....
But all in all, I LOVE England and I am so happy that I am here for the whole year so I get to experience everything and take in all of the traveling I hope to do while abroad.  Exeter is a much bigger city than I expected and it's only a ten minute walk from campus to all the shopping!!!  I saw a sweater in the window of a store the other day and I went back yesterday to try it on and can't remember which store it was in.  I looked in every window possible, but I guess it was just not meant to be.  I also found a way to watch Grey's Anatomy which I didn't think possible without buying it from itunes, but I watched the latest episode yesterday evening!  Classes start on Monday so I am starting to prepare for real work again which should be interesting after what seems to feel like a 6 month summer.
Also, Happy 17th Birthday, Lucy!  Sorry I wasn't there, but I will be in the States for your 18th birthday!

Here are some pictures from Tintagel Castle:

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